Timer ports are used to provide synchronized timing events when managed under a "service thread" such as SocketService. synchronized millisecond timing for service threads.
This is used by service threads to determine how much time remains before the timer expires based on a timeout specified in setTimer() or incTimer().More...
Create a timer, mark it as inactive, and set the initial "start" time to the creation time of the timer object.More...
Detailed Description
Timer ports are used to provide synchronized timing events when managed under a "service thread" such as SocketService. synchronized millisecond timing for service threads.
This is made into a stand-alone base class since other derived libraries (such as the serial handlers) may also use the pooled "service thread" model and hence also require this code for managing timing.
This is used by service threads to determine how much time remains before the timer expires based on a timeout specified in setTimer() or incTimer().
It can also be called after setting a timeout with incTimer() to see if the current timeout has already expired and hence that the application is already delayed and should skip frame(s).
return time remaining in milliseconds, or -1 if inactive.
Set a timeout based on the current time reference value either from object creation or the last setTimer().
This reference can be used to time synchronize realtime data over specified intervals and force expiration when a new frame should be released in a synchronized manner.