
7.1.1 Type Objects


The C structure of the objects used to describe built-in types.

PyObject* PyType_Type
This is the type object for type objects; it is the same object as types.TypeType in the Python layer.  

int PyType_Check(PyObject *o)
Returns true is the object o is a type object.

int PyType_HasFeature(PyObject *o, int feature)
Returns true if the type object o sets the feature feature. Type features are denoted by single bit flags.

int PyType_IsSubtype(PyTypeObject *a, PyTypeObject *b)
Returns true if a is a subtype of b. New in version 2.2.

PyObject* PyType_GenericAlloc(PyTypeObject *type, int nitems)
Return value: New reference.
New in version 2.2.

PyObject* PyType_GenericNew(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
Return value: New reference.
New in version 2.2.

int PyType_Ready(PyTypeObject *type)
New in version 2.2.

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